

在投资了你的房子之后,重要的是要为它投保. 所有的pp王者电子官网范围、表格和除外责任是什么?


房产pp王者电子官网 is a type of insurance that will provide coverage for your home and other personal property in the case of a covered loss. It can also provide 责任 coverage if someone hurts themselves at your home or you cause property damage. 房主pp王者电子官网不仅是人们想要的, 但在很多情况下, required by your mortgage company so they will also be protected financially if your home experiences a covered loss.


房屋是大多数个人有史以来最大的一笔投资. 它通常是家庭资产负债表上最大的资产.此外, 一个典型家庭的内容, 以家具的形式, 电器, 服装, 传家宝和其他可移动的个人物品, 代表大量的额外投资. 房屋及其内物因盗窃而造成的未受保护的损失(或部分损失), 火, 风暴或其他灾难, 在经济上可能是毁灭性的. 脚注 [1]

此外,每个人都面临……的风险 个人责任. 例如,来访的客人可以 滑倒. Such accidents can result in court decisions awarding large sums to the injured party for medical expenses and pain and suffering.





最初,标准的房主pp王者电子官网只包括火灾风险. Today's homeowners policies provide protection against a number of the perils of modern life, 在一个“一揽子”政策中. 典型的房主政策脚注 [2] 可提供以下pp王者电子官网保障:

  • 家: 有形的居住结构及其附属的其他结构.
  • 其它结构: 例如, 独立车库, 游泳池的房子, 宾馆, 住所内的温室或工具棚.
  • 个人财产: 这包括家里的东西,比如家具、电器或衣服. 某些类型的财产 脚注 [3] 可能有具体的金额限制吗.
  • 损失:失去使用或额外的生活费用: 如果房屋因投pp王者电子官网种而受损, 使用损失pp王者电子官网帮助支付酒店账单的费用, 公寓或出租房屋, 外出就餐和其他生活费用,如果房屋在承保损失范围内无法居住. This policy section may also reimburse a homeowner for lost income if a room in the home were rented out. 这有时是在实际持续损失的基础上投保的.
  • 个人责任: 提供法律保护 责任 for bodily injury or property damage if a third party is accidentally injured or their property is damaged.
  • 医疗支付: 也被称为客人医疗费, this section provides limited coverage if a third party is accidentally injured and needs medical treatment.


T在这里 are several organizations that work with insurance companies to develop standardized homeowners policies. 虽然特定政策的细节可能会有所不同, 这些标准化的策略或形式通常非常相似.

  • 广义政策(HO-02): 这项pp王者电子官网包括家庭pp王者电子官网, other structures and personal property on a named-peril basis. 只包括列出的危险.
  • 特别表格政策(HO-03): Coverage for the home and other structures is written on an all-risk basis – damage from any peril is covered, 除非特别排除. 个人财产pp王者电子官网是在指定危险的基础上提供的.
  • 综合表格(HO-05): 这项pp王者电子官网包括家庭pp王者电子官网, other structures and personal property on an all-risk basis – damage from any peril is covered, 除非特别排除. 这种形式通常用于更昂贵的房屋.
  • 修改表格覆盖范围(HO-08): This policy form is generally used with homes w在这里 the cost to re-build exceeds the market value of the property. 保护是在指定危险的基础上提供的. 付款一般限于实际现金价值.


标准的房主政策明确将一些风险排除在pp王者电子官网范围之外. Policy coverage for these excluded perils can generally be added through an endorsement and payment of an additional premium. 典型的保单除外责任可能包括以下内容:

  • 法令或法律: 许多房主的保单不包括损失或有限制, 由于房屋所在社区的法律或条例. 例如, 如果房屋受损或被毁, changes in building codes could result in additional uncovered expenses when the home is repaired or rebuilt. Ordinance or law coverage is included in some package policies often as a percentage of the dwelling coverage (10%, 25%, 50%, 等.). 在一些州,这种覆盖是必需的.
  • 地球运动: 不包括以下事件造成的损失 地震, 火山喷发, 泥石流或山崩.
  • 水的破坏: 指从 污水:从下水道或排水沟流出的水地下墙壁渗水或波浪作用. Many policies contain dollar limits for water damage due to such things as a broken pipe.
  • 洪水造成的损失: 指上升的水或地表水造成的损害.
  • 模具排除: 许多pp王者电子官网公司不包括霉菌损害.
  • 其他除外责任: 其他具体的例外情况包括战争、核危害、疏忽和故意损失.


  • 重置成本情况: 住宅和其他建筑物:如果房屋被损坏或完全摧毁, a homeowners policy will generally pay (within policy limits) to rebuild or repair on an "actual-cash-value" basis. 简单来说,实际现金价值是指 重置成本 减去折旧或磨损的扣除额. Reimbursement on this basis could leave a homeowner short of the total funds needed to restore the home.

通过背书和支付额外pp王者电子官网费, 偿还可以在“重置成本”的基础上. 重置成本意味着, 简单的, restoring the home to its pre-loss condition using materials and workmanship of similar quality. 在一些政策中, the availability of this feature requires the homeowner to maintain coverage on the home equal to at least 80% of the cost to rebuild or repair. 如果pp王者电子官网覆盖率没有维持在80%的水平, any loss would be reimbursed at a lesser amount or on an actual-cash-value or depreciated basis.

  • 重置成本: 个人财产(内容):承保范围通常以实际现金价值为基础. 额外pp王者电子官网费, the policy can usually be endorsed to protect covered personal property on a replacement-cost basis (the cost to buy the item new today). 折旧一直考虑到物品被实际替换.

  • 通货膨胀保护条款: 标准保单表格通常可以提供自动背书, 定期增加政策限制. These increases in policy coverage generally apply to both the dwelling and contents and help avoid being underinsured due to inflation. Such an endorsement also helps meet the 80%-of-replacement-cost condition to qualify for 重置成本 on the home.


An insurance policy is a written contract between the insured and the insurance company. The protection provided by the policy typically represents a significant part of an individual's overall risk management program. 因此, it's important for an insured individual to read and understand key policy 规定 such as the following.

  • 这份pp王者电子官网单包括哪些风险? 这取决于政策. 基本pp王者电子官网可能无法提供你所需要的保障.
  • 什么危险没有被覆盖? 额外pp王者电子官网费, perils or situations not covered can often be added to a policy.
  • pp王者电子官网的限额是什么? This refers to the maximum dollar amount the insurance company will pay in the event of a covered loss.
  • 免赔额是多少? A deductible is a dollar amount or percentage the insured must pay before the insurance company pays its portion of the loss.
  • 万一发生损失,被pp王者电子官网人的责任是什么? pp王者电子官网单通常会列出发生损失时必须采取的步骤.


pp王者电子官网代理人 和经纪人, insurance counselors and other trained financial consultants can help provide answers to detailed questions about a particular policy. These individuals can help you select the right policy and the appropriate amount of coverage.

返回参考文献 [1] 许多抵押贷款机构要求房主提供pp王者电子官网, 保护住宅, 作为授予抵押的条件.

返回参考文献 [2] The specific coverage and terms of a policy can vary from company to company and from state to state.

返回参考文献 [3] 珠宝, 银器, 证券, cash and collectibles are examples of personal property subject to these "internal" policy limits.

这只是pp王者电子官网范围的一般说明,不是合同的说明. 覆盖范围或限制的细节在一些州有所不同. 所有险别均以本合同条款为准, 规定, pp王者电子官网单本身的免责条款和条件, 在背书方面.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.










Consider a professional home inspection to help identify any immediate or potential issues before signing the papers on a new house.






Learn the difference between 重置成本 value and market value coverage to make an informed decision when purchasing home insurance.